
Chaste Bob's Erotica

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The Women of the Female Council

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As always if you can show you own these pictures I took from the Internet and want them removed I will do so with apologies.

By Chastebob

The Female Council came to notoriety when they published Male Sexual Guidelines and Management. At the time no one knew who the Council was, and they had no official authority, or charge, to produce any guidelines or regulations, let alone the power to enforce them. And yet the Guidelines were immediately popular, at least with a large segment of the female population. Through it all, including the adoption of many of their Guidelines as law, they’ve maintained a low profile, choosing to let the wisdom and power of their words speak for them, and to every woman.

Some say this shunning of fanfare and fame is actually straight from the core philosophy of the group, a message that is being delivered by others in different ways as well. That philosophy is about collaborative leadership, rather than the top down “command and control” that has been characteristic of male ego-centric organizations. Keeping in tune with these ideas the Council has no formal internal structure, but rather some guiding principles about the makeup of the group.

Despite a desire to remain somewhat anonymous, we’ve managed to convince them that people would like to know a little more about these remarkable women. 

Sarah Taylor – While the Council has no official “Chairwoman” or “President”, if it did, it would surely be this lady. One of the bright lights from the early days of Feminism, as it was called in the 70’s, she brings a unique historical perspective to the current struggle to make women strong and safe in their own sexuality. She was one of the early activists trying to end gender discrimination in the work place. One of her favorite sayings: “It’s been a helluva journey, and it’s far from over!”

“In the beginning it had to be about things that reasonable and fair minded men could see was wrong and needed to change. That’s why gender discrimination in the workplace was such a powerful starting point.” Today it’s less about what men will support and more about what women want and need. Her viewpoint differed from many women in the early days of the movement and it was quite controversial in its time. The fact that she is still a force in the movement and they are not validates her approach. “They wanted to change the way men were, down to their deepest thoughts and feelings. I knew we could never do that, men will be men. But we can use the way they are to control them and change their behavior. Their changed behavior may lead to some new thinking, but either way what’s important is that we have a world we want and feel safe in; where we can express our sexuality the way we wish.” And just perhaps where men express their sexuality the way we want them to.

Edith Kramer – As a Registered Nurse she has spent most of her career in clinics dealing with human sexuality. She’s been involved with research projects for both male and female sexuality. She did confirm that some of her earliest work was done in the former Soviet Union and involved sterilization methods. Most recently she has been working with the New Beginnings Clinic helping treat compulsive masturbators. Her innovative treatment protocols have attracted much attention and controversy, but as she says, “Our results speak for themselves.”

Her most exciting work has been on the physiological and psychological differences between male and female orgasm. “Our research is near a point where we will be able to predict the exact moment when orgasm is inevitable and the last moment when it can be stopped, and stopped while maintaining arousal.” And yes, that means maintaining the erection in men. The implications are far reaching, with the potential to free men of an embarrassing problem; which is particularly annoying to women. “We have long known that controlling the orgasm provides enormous control over the rest of the organism. These techniques offer the chance to raise that control to a whole new level.”

Dr. Beatrice Ellsworth – Professor of Sociology at State Women’s University, her doctoral thesis, Evolution of the Male-Female Relationship Dynamic in Post-Industrial Cultures, predicts and explains why women will naturally play a more significant role in these societies. Her ideas have been the basis of many recent initiatives by the government and this Council. Simply put, “as societies become more interconnected and interdependent, women’s natural social skills will give them a significant advantage in every field of endeavor over self-serving competitiveness.” 

Dr. Ellsworth was quick to point out that even though women’s ascendency is “evolutionarily inevitable” that doesn’t mean it will always go smoothly, or without resistance from the prior dominant force, men. Since men are still needed in a biological capacity for the species (and for other reasons for many women) this raises many challenges. How to accomplish their displacement, without elimination, as typically happens in biological evolution. “It’s a matter of finding a balance between the restrictions necessary and rewards that will entice them to accept those limitations; for example, less fear for the safety of their family and lessened taboos on female nudity in public and the restrictions of male chastity in public.”

Mother Superior Mary Katherine – She brings a spiritual point of view to the Council. Her beliefs have long held that women were naturally better than men at managing and controlling their sexual urges. Of course Mother Mary was in favor of no sexual activity at all except for purposes of procreation. Despite some differences in her personal philosophy, she is fully in favor of the Council extending its control into very personal aspects of people’s lives. “People cannot long live a lie, what is in your heart will ultimately be in your actions in the outside world.”

She became a nun very early in life, while still an adolescent. There was a catalyst incident, but she declined to discuss it, saying only that justice was done and it was all in God’s hands. A long time believer in corporal punishment and discipline, she is certain in her soul that it is the best way to deal with the venal sins. She is even handed, believing that while it may be rare “a woman who fails to exercise proper sexual restraint should be dealt with as severely as the men.”

Dana Stewart – CEO of WOMEN, Inc. (Women Owned Major Enterprises Network), a conglomerate of businesses all of which were originally founded, and managed to success by women. She is a business pioneer, managing this diverse corporation in a collaborative fashion, which is considered by many to be the wave of the future and uniquely female. Her secret to making things work: “Find what people like to do and use that for the greater good.” Smiling she adds, “With men this is incredibly easy.”

Her organizational skills and powerful business connections are obvious assets for the Council to draw upon. She was out in front of the law by requiring all her male employees world-wide to wear chastity devices at work, and adopting one of the toughest sexual harassment policies ever seen. The best tribute to her talents and the effectiveness of her methods is the fact that males still wish to work for her. “At WOMEN we are not ‘anti-men’, nor do we discriminate. We have many talented men working for us, and many in very responsible positions. Here’s what one of my male managers said, ‘This is the best place I’ve ever worked, we all work together cooperatively without trying to take advantage of each other. I wouldn’t work anywhere else, even if they were less restrictive, those restrictions make us better men.’”  

Sgt. Hannah Harmon – She’s a Special Forces instructor in hand to hand combat and survival. She’s known for strict discipline and cultivating a mental toughness in her troops that gives them confidence in the face of any opposition. A decorated combat veteran, she is also known for forming and training the first all-female special combat operations team. She has a standing challenge to meet and beat any man in single combat or if they prefer, unit to unit. The stakes are open to discussion. “We’re not ‘as good as’ the men, we’re better! And that’s no idle brag.”

She has sponsored and taught basic self-defense classes for women to improve their safety and boost their confidence. She has devoted a lot of her time to learning and refining interrogation techniques, which rely on psychological understanding as much as any physical persuasion. “I’ve shown many men that rather than a source of strength and courage, balls are actually a liability. One they have often wished they didn’t have after encountering me.”

Evangeline Nesbit – She is best known as the wife of the once powerful evangelical minister who became infamous through his numerous kinky sex affairs with church staff. She essentially took over his empire by publicly agreeing to forgive him and take him back, provided he agreed to enforced chastity and regular disciplinary punishment at her hand. “A public humiliation seemed the only appropriate response after my own public humiliation; ‘an eye for an eye’, as the Good Book says. Truth be told, I was extremely charitable and merciful; I did not share pictures or details of his chastity and punishment with the world.” 

Her public announcement of the conditions for his reconciliation was an inspiration to wives everywhere, especially those with cheating husbands. Many observers credit this action with doing more to spur the movement for full time male chastity than any other incident. “I have always felt that infidelity was a serious sin, whether or not it included another person in the sexual act.” 

Renee Alexander – She spent much of her adult life as a professional dominatrix, but today no longer sees clients. As a pragmatic realist she knows the sex trade can never be eliminated. Every attempt over hundreds, if not thousands, of years has failed; the sex industry is the product of complex cultural and socio-economic forces. “Some of those forces would exist even in a world entirely controlled by women; but controlled, the industry can be a useful tool for women.”

Her experience makes her intimately familiar with the lengths men will go to (and can be pushed to) in order to satisfy their sexual urges. She has long been a proponent of what she refers to as “True Dominant Women” as opposed to “Escorts in Leather”. She brings a practical knowledge of what men are capable of, and what they will ultimately accept, to all of the Council’s deliberations. “Most women have no idea what men will do for a little sex.”

Karen Babbitt – Social activist and private investigator of sexual harassment claims for a major law firm, Karen was first drawn to this work by being the victim of sexual harassment at work. If you are a man, you would be well advised not to break eye contact with her when you are together. The “final straw” in her case was the comment by her male boss to the effect that if she didn’t want all that attention perhaps she should have breast reduction surgery. “The idea that a woman should have to change anything about her body to get ahead in business seemed like an extremely personal violation.”

Her turning point was the realization that she could use men’s behavior against them, which led directly to her current career. While she abhors the superficial attention her physical assets bring, she’s not ashamed to use them to get the information she needs in her investigations. “Most of my life I’ve been objectified by men. I’m committed to seeing a world where the size of my brain is more important than the size of my breasts.”

Harriet Sharp – Little is known about her private or personal life. However, everyone knows her as one of the most outspoken advocates of castration for sex offenders. This alone would not have been that unique, except that she advocated performing the operation publicly and in an extremely painful manner; both as punishment and as a deterrent to others. “It’s a sure solution, where others haven’t worked as effectively, or even failed miserably.”

Ms. Sharp refused to confirm or deny that she was allowed to perform the first legal castration, under doctor’s supervision, of course. It’s a matter of record that she still lobbies for significant expansion of the legal definition of sex offender qualifying for mandatory castration. Some of her recommended expansions are opposed even by other women, but she is undeterred in her “educational process”. “Some men just don’t deserve to have balls.”

Martha Williams – Nick-named the “Earth Mother”, she believes the natural world provides all of the answers we need. She believes returning to our innate instincts, without the cultural baggage of civilization, will allow men and women to relate to each other as they were intended. This includes the idea that all sexual activity should be restricted to a very short “mating season” once a year. She religiously avoids all processed products from foods to makeup, as well as medicines. “Emulating animals in Nature is the best practice to restore humanity.” 

Aware that it might not be possible to completely restore humanity to such a balance with nature, she’s devoted a lot of time and energy to studying ancient rituals and ceremonies. In addition, she’s done extensive field work with remote tribes, whose rituals may not have been contaminated with modern ideas of pure equality or male domination. She believes that these rituals might set the stage for a “re-evolution” back to our natural past. “My goal would be to create a set of rituals and ceremonies that would be in harmony with nature and also compatible with a female led society. 

Nancy Pearson – She is one of two “ordinary citizen” members intended to keep the Council in touch with the needs and concerns of the average woman. She is a wife and mother of two (a boy and a girl); who takes her job as a mother and homemaker very seriously. She spends a lot of time with her children’s school activities and family outings on weekends. Her childhood was fairly typical, and according to her that’s the problem. “My father loved us, but he spent a lot of time and money on sex outside the home, which hurt us more than financially.” 

The promise she made herself was that she would never allow the same thing to happen to her family. She wants to be sure her husband comes straight home from work every day without stopping at the strip bars or body rub parlors. “I want to be all he needs, as well as not having to worry about what disease he might catch and bring home.”

Donna Laughlin – The second “ordinary citizen” member of the Council, is single and advancing her career as a business consultant. Her experience has been that gender discrimination in business is much more subtle now. It favors the more attractive, though not in an overtly sexual way, that would be too obvious. “It’s really a double edged sword; the more attractive get first chance at the opportunities to earn more, but they tend to be in positions that aren’t taken as seriously.”

As a busy consultant, a personal life is difficult to cultivate; though not something she’s willing to give up. It’s a problem she’s convinced other women such as herself want a solution to as well; finding a new and time effective method for meeting and dating men that does not degenerate into the sort of singles bars, or online “meat markets” that cater to men’s desires. “We need a method that focuses on what women are looking for, while still being efficient and simple.”


Helen Wheeler – Graduating in the top half of her class, she’s the Council’s attorney and also a distinguished prosecutor of sexual assault cases for the DA’s office. If you’re a defendant in a sexually related crime, you definitely don’t want her as your prosecutor. Her win/loss record is an all win record. She’s a tireless campaigner for tougher laws on sexual crimes, “Winning isn’t enough if the law does not allow us to exact a harsh enough penalty to protect the public from these predators.”

Recently married to the woman of her dreams, she still manages to maintain both jobs at a prodigious level of productivity. While not officially a member of the Council, her advice on drafting the consensus of the Council has been invaluable. “This is my dream job; we’re breaking new legal ground in defining the boundary between unfettered personal freedom and the safety and good of society as a whole.”

The members declined any more extensive interviews and steadfastly refused to discuss any future additions to the Guidelines, or other initiatives that might be forthcoming. In other words, we’ll all know when we need to.

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